My name is Citlalli Fernandez Anaya, but everybody calls me Ally. Originally from Mexico City, I have lived in New Zealand for the last 14 years. I moved to this beautiful country with my husband Steve, a Kiwi who I met while we both worked on cruise ships. I cannot remember a time I have not been in love with food. From the time I could reach my grandmother’s and mother’s apron I was on a stool in the kitchen making Masa (dough) for tortillas, which is an everyday staple. What I saw as quality time with my family, and fun was the start of my culinary education. I was inadvertently learning recipes handed down through generations of my family. Kahlo Mexican Cooking School was born of the desire to share with the people of Christchurch my cuisine and what authentic Mexican food is.
Kahlo Mexican Cooking School was born of the desire to share with the people of Christchurch my cuisine and what authentic Mexican food is. I named my Mexican Cooking School after Frida Kahlo who was a Mexican painter and now a Mexican icon, she also was married to Diego Rivera, one of the most famous muralists in the world. They are two of the most important artists in Mexican history and are both from Mexico City. Frida Kahlo, is an icon to women in my hometown, a leader who has inspired countless Mexican women like me. Kahlo cooking school offers an in-home cooking class for groups where not only do the participants get to eat the food I love, they also get to cook it, and in your own kitchen. All the recipes that are cooked are provided to the participants, so they can share Authentic Mexican food with their family and friends.
All our ingredients come from local suppliers.
We consider our impact on the world, in everything we do.
Every day, at the crack at dawn, we start fresh.
Our recipes aren't just recipes, they are family stories.